Tuesday 24 July 2012

9 Most Important Web Design Tips

New web designers require to know web design fundamentals in order to create good-looking, well-designed websites. If you would like to know more regarding web design, there’s lot of resources you can learn. Start with this article. You’ll find some guidance below to boost your web design excellence.

Here are 9 things that are the most important to observe and take into consideration when creating a best website design that you might not be aware of or have overlooked. They are here just enhancing your online business through unique web design of your site.

9 Most Important Web Design Tips

Try to Keep Simple Web Design
Always simple is good. Do away with redundant confusion and distractions from a website and navigation menu.

White Background Color
White is maybe the best option for background color. White backgrounds not only make the text easy to read, but also make your site come into view more professional, as white is the standard background color for corporate sites. Crazy backgrounds can just cause confusion and make your content become lost. It also tends to make your webpage look much less professional. Simple backgrounds are generally better.

Use well layout and navigation
A web site that is easy to use always encourages visitors to continue and read your content. If your site
doesn't appear to look good for a particular resolution it is likely that the visitor will close the browser
window feeling that the web page is not for their viewing. Therefore, designing widen layouts that fit any
screen resolution will ensure a visually attractive and professional site.

Custom 404 Pages
Generate a custom 404 web page, so that any time your website visitor mistype or misspell a URL on your web site, they will still be provided with navigation options for your web site (as an alternative of getting 
nothing but a “Page Not Found” error message, which is neither friendly nor helpful).

Build your web site interactive and rich in content
To make your web site stickier you can insert a few simple interactive applications like site polls, surveys, a
guest book, an event calendar, newsletter sign-up, etc. There are many applications on the web but you require to choose them intelligently.

Build your web site scalable and cross browser compatible
Making your code and design scalable pays you off well. This is critical simply because as technology advances and configuration of computers and their monitors keep ever-increasing and changeable it becomes impossible to experiment your site in all screen sizes and platforms.

Include consistency all over your web site
Consistency is crucial as it could give your site a more professional look and feel, and  makes way for simple
navigation. For consistency to saturate throughout your website, try to use database templates to create a
common look and feel for your web site.

Use Redirect Non-www. To www.
Website visitors will often leave out the “www.” portion when they type a URL or link to your website. Put the website up so that it automatically redirects any non-www version of your domain urls (http://domain.com) to the www version (http://www.domain.com) of your website.

Inclide a Favicon
Add a Favicon (favorite icon) to your website, with the intention that your company or product logo appears in the URL box. This icon will also show up in a bookmark list, and gives the web site an additional level of 

1 comment:

  1. According to me, every website designer or website wanted have need to know here given website design tips for proper way website designing. Anybody can make their web designing impressive from following above tips.

    web design


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